Does the gate or the phone need WiFi connection?
A WiFi connection for the smartphone is not needed. The phone transfers data via our patented protocol. Depending on the specific integration, the gate might need access to your access control system.
Does Bluetooth need to be activated all the time? Doesn't the app need too much power?
Yes, in order to get access, Bluetooth needs to be activated. As Bluetooth needs too much power, we've built a technology that allows SEAMLESSme to work with a minimum of energy.
Isn't Bluetooth too slow?
Regular Bluetooth is too slow and unreliable. That's why we created a faster and more secure protocol. We achieve high speeds because our key exchange is based on elliptic curve cryptography.
Why doesn't SEAMLESSme work with NFC?
NFC only works within low distances. One would have to present the smartphone right next to a reader (and this would not be interaction-free). But SEAMLESSme is ready to be equipped with whatever might be usable in new smartphones. Thus, Ultra-wideband (UWB) as an example is a new technology that can be used for SEAMLESSme as soon as it becomes available in smartphones.
What is the maximum distance?
SEAMLESSme can establish a connection of up to 30 meters to a smartphone. However, the distance for authenticating, and therefore the timing for opening entry points, depends on the use case and can be set manually. To offer the best user experience, we recommend setting the maximum distance for authentication to no more than 2 meters for a door or gate.
Can I prevent the app from authenticating?
Typically, the authentication works automatically in the background. This function can be turned off in the app.
What happens if I change my mind and don't want to enter?
SEAMLESSme works via indoor positioning: It checks the distance between a smartphone and the access point. Therefore, the authentication only happens if you're in the set distance – which is usually only right in front of the door.
Do I need a smartphone to use SEAMLESSme?
Yes, SEAMLESSme can only be user with a smartphones. In the future we want to roll it out on smartwatches as well.
Not everyone in my company has got a business phone or even a smartphone. Do we need to give business phones to everyone?
While SEAMLESSme was built for mobile phones (as only this way it works truly seamlessly). Other authentication methods can still be used. Therefore, everyone who feels comfortable using SEAMLESSme can do so, while all other colleagues can still enter with their keys, key cards or key fobs.
What are the minimum requirements for the smart devices?
Smart devices need to run on at least Android 7 or iOS 10.
How can guests pass the gates?
Guests need to use the existing access solution. Guests who are visiting regularly may use the app if the company wants them to.
How does the integration work?
We add our Communication Unit and proximity sensors to your existing access control solution. All users who would like to use SEAMLESSme have to install an app on their smartphones.
The Communication Unit will usually be added as a peripheral device and is responsible for establishing a connection with a smartphone in the area. The proximity sensors will be added near the entry point. They measure the distance.
How long does it take to integrate SEAMLESSme?
It depends on the number of gates/doors that need to be equipped. Usually, a custom software integration into the existing access control system takes one week. Setting up the hardware takes less than two days.
Can we still use existing access control methods with SEAMLESSme?
Yes. SEAMLESSme is an add on to existing access control systems. After integrating SEAMLESSme to your system, hands-free authentication, as well as the given solution, can be used.
Where is my data stored?
The data is stored on the smartphone of the user. Especially, biometric data doesn't leave the phone. Managing access rights stays, just as before, with the employer.
How is the data encrypted?
We use our own specially developed protocol (SBLEC - Secure Bluetooth Low Energy Communication) for the encryption of our communication. SBLEC is based on BLE Advertising Frames and Elliptic Curve Cryptography. The user-specific Seamless ID is stored in a secure area. We also actively participate in Quantum Ready research.
Can employers track where their employees are?
Normally, all that is tracked is the distance between the entry point and a smartphone – in order to make sure an authentication takes place when it's needed. Therefore, the smartphone is not being tracked constantly.
However, if it is necessary to monitor where your employees are in your buildings, for example for security reasons, this can be done with SEAMLESSme – if your employees agree on it.
Does SEAMLESSme always work with gait recognition?
No. SEAMLESSme enables hands-free authentication. However, if an extra layer of security and a unique identification is needed, Behavior Based Authenication based on gait can be added.
How accurate is Behavior Based Authentication?
The human gait is unique. We evaluate our data models using the Equal Error Rate (EER). The EER indicates where the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False Rejection Rate (FRR) are equal. Currently, we are at accuracy levels of a fingerprint but continuously improving.
How long does the smartphone need to gather data about the gait until it detects abuse of my smartphone?
After about 10 minutes of learning, SEAMLESSme ensures a unique identification. After that, SEAMLESSme gets better every time a person walks with the smartphone in their pocket and will be able to recognize other people even if the right one changes his way of walking (e.g. because they changed their shoes).
What happens if someone walks differently (e.g. because of a broken leg or with new shoes)?
As soon as the system recognizes a deviation from the origin, the system will ask for a fall back (e.g. a fingerprint or a pin code) to make sure it can trust the new way of walking. Afterward, it will learn to include this pattern to the authentication.
What happens if I have my smartphone in my bag?
SEAMLESSme works best if the smartphone is close to the hips (where it actually measures the gait). However, if someone usually carries their phone in a bag, SEAMLESSme can also learn that.
What happens if the gait is not recognized?
If the gait changes (for example because someone changed their shoes), it might happen that the gait is not recognized. In these cases the system asks for a fall back (e.g. a fingerprint or a pin code) to make sure it authenticates securely.